2023 Chair: Tom Stugmyer – tstugmyer@gmail.com
2023 Co-Chair: Colleen Swedyk – cswedyk@ohmedinaco.org
2023 Meeting Time: The 4th Monday of the month at 3:00 p.m. at Mosaic (118 High Street, Wadsworth).
Current Projects:
- Downtown Improvement Grant
- Downtown Music Speaker System
- “Save CIS” Awareness Campaign
- Other projects as raised by team and formed into work plans
Team Description:
- Work to strengthen existing downtown businesses, recruit additional businesses through the development of business assistance teams, sponsor business seminars, identify downtown market opportunities, disseminate relevant information to existing and potential businesses, and develop incentive programs to stimulate business growth.
- Monitor changes in the local economy on an ongoing basis, assess the downtown’s market share within the community and the region, measure the involvement of various market groups in downtown commerce, monitor sales leakage or surplus, and assess the downtown’s mix of retail, commercial, residential, and civic space.
- Direct activity related to downtown commercial and real estate development.
- Allocate funds for downtown economic development activities in accordance with the MSW program’s annual Strategic Plan and budget.
- Build new sources of funding for a portion of the program’s total annual budget.
- Conduct and maintain a comprehensive inventory of downtown businesses.
- Become familiar with city, county, and regional economic development strategies and coordinate projects when possible, utilizing economic development programs already in place and investigating the creation of new programs when appropriate.
- Promote the downtown as a good place for commercial and real estate development activity.
- Establish a sound working relationship with local and regional financial institutions, business assistance organizations and other businesses and agencies that provide assistance in areas related to downtown economic development.
- Work with the City of Wadsworth, the MSW Executive Director, local businesses, and property owners to facilitate economic initiatives in order to retain, promote, and attract downtown business investment.
- Provide information and guidance for businesses to navigate local regulations, acquire grants, and obtain low-interest loans.
- Focus on existing and new businesses, converting unused/under-utilized space into economically productive property, boosting the profitability of the MSW district, and developing a long-term economic development plan.